to LoveYourNeighborCommunity!!
We're glad
you've found us!
At LoveYourNeighborCommunity we are just getting started and very excited
about what the future holds! We hope that you will travel around our blog to learn more and then join us in serving our community. ;-)
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31
How we began... Serving on a short term mission trip to help others is an amazing experience. People come together from different locations, sometimes speaking different languages, to serve together. It is a time when all of our other responsibilities fade away, self disappears and we can truly focus on others' needs...
But a mission trip is typically 1-2 weeks, and I had to ask myself, What am I doing the rest of the year? If Jesus said that "Love God and Love your Neighbor" were the two greatest Commandments, how was I truly Loving my neighbor at home? Living in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, with spectacular views and plenty to do, most of us feel very fortunate to live in such a peaceful place. But life is not always easy and trials and heartache come...
LoveYourNeighborCommunity is a group of volunteers, who are passionate about helping others. For an
individual, family, group or business, we are here. We want to get as creative
as possible to meet the needs of our community. Our hope is to get to the heart of the matter, help one another
and make a difference... and to always model the LOVE of Christ in
everything we do.
God Bless you and keep you,
Lisa Gerrity
the Love Your Neighbor Community
If you are an individual or group who would like to know more about how to volunteer with LYNC, we would love to talk with you! Call Lisa Gerrity at #954-817-8562 or write to: LoveYourNeighborCommunity@gmail.com.
We have had the honor and privilege of serving with the following church families and we look forward to serving with many more:
Mt. Carmel Regular Baptist Church, Luray, VA
Rileyville Baptist Church, Rileyville, VA
Antioch Independent Bible Church, Luray, VA
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